Author Archive: inshes

Health and wellbeing day

Despite the heavy rain this morning, we still had a great health and wellbeing day.  As the sponsored walk had to be rearranged to another date, we played tennis, inside, with Mrs Brown.  After break we did some orienteering, some of them were quite tricky to find.  Then we helped Primary 1 with orienteering.  It …

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Farr Cabin

Today we had a fantastic time at Farr Cabin.  We were met in the morning by Katy Martin and were then put into three groups.  Throughout the day each group did Woodland Bioblitz, Team building games and Transient Art.  Below are the pictures of the wonderful art that we made in the woods – Mrs …

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Who stole the football trophy?

On Tuesday we came into school to find the trophy cabinet taped with police tape – someone had stolen the football trophy?  We got taken up to look at the evidence and found fingerprints and some clues.  It was up to P7 to find out who had stolen the trophy and why!! We went into …

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We have been looking at games that children would have been playing during World War II.  We have been playing hide and seek, hopscotch, jacks, clapping games, marbles and skipping games.   It has been great fun.  Below are some pictures  

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Safe Highlanders

Yesterday we went to Safe Highlanders at Cameron Barracks.  There were lots of different activities showing us how to keep safe at all times. Below are some comments: It was fun. The man with the fishing rod, walking towards the electricity lines was very scary. We need to remember to stop, look and listen. Crossings …

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WWII Shelters

We spent the afternoon on Friday making shelters that were used during the Second World War. The two main types of were Morrison and Anderson shelters. The winning group (the one who demonstrated the best teamwork and most effective shelter) won an apple and a bar of chocolate to share within the group. The children …

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We, the members of staff, would like to say a huge thank you to parents and guardians for our lovely gifts. They came as a lovely surprise at the end of a busy week! We had a wonderful week away with your children and they were a credit to us all 🙂 Miss Murray, Mrs …

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Nethybridge Day 3

We can’t believe that we are half way through the week already! Today has been another busy day 🙂 Most of us were canoeing today where some people got very wet! We have been very fortunate to have had really good weather so far … we hope it lasts. Check out some of our experiences …

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Nethybridge Day 2

We have had a fabulous second day! This is what Abby and Jenna had to say –  “We have done a lot of fun activities like canoeing and a forest adventure.  My favourite activity was the canoeing, luckily my canoe didn’t capsize but I still got a little wet!” Abby and Jenna 🙂 

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Nethybridge Day 1

We’re here ☺️ ! Everyone has settled in 🙂 We have had a busy afternoon orienteering and have also been swimming. At this moment we are all unpacking and heading off for dinner soon! More updates tomorrow ☺️ 

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